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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Audio formerly known as B5

 Ok, so I was sitting here thinking about one hitter quitters and these dudes popped in my mind. Now   they were known as B5, the boy group of 5 brothers who drove the girls wild for a while, but then disappeared. They were signed to P.Diddys label Bad Boy Records, and we all know that Diddy nor his label is the best around but they dealt the cards they were handed and did pretty well if you want my input. They had a couple of songs play on mainstream radio, but their biggest hit to date is the remake of the Jackson 5 All I do is think of you. I must say I fell victim to playing this out but like all other things it had to come to an end, and just like P.Diddys commitment to them. I don't know how Diddy manages his artists, but he seems to use em and throw em away. The proof is the pudding, just check out all the past seasons of Making the Band. Anyways, now that we've got the basics out the way Where are they now is the question. They are no longer under the management of Diddy and no longer goes by the name of B5 but now calls themselves Audio.
B5 before they went M.I.A


I don't know what new music they have popping or even who's label there apart of, but hey I guess there still trying, and trying hard by the looks of it.

Fantasia knocked up !

Soooooo Fantasia is pregnant ! Not that I'm saying it's wrong, but who would have thought ? She   almost committed suicide after her future 'baby daddy' and now she's carrying his child ! I'm not one to judge, so I won't,  because I believe Fantasia knows what the hell she's doing and if she's going into this open-minded, I can't wait to see the outcome.

AMBER ROSE !!!!!!!!!!!!

Amber Rose is my secret obsession. I'm not gay, but I absolutely see no wrong in saying another woman is beautiful !

I'm just sayin'

It's baffling to me how hard it is to find a job, but so easy for people to come from across the world to America and obtain employment without being fluent in English and no experience at all ! Why is it that we have to accommodate these people ? I'm definitely not blaming the people who come to America because all they do is come here with a dream. It's the Government who has allowed the minority to become the majority. There are a lot of jobs that require applicants to be bi-lingual., rather it's Spanish, Chinese, Korean, etc. As if English was never the first language. As racially mixed the economy is today, I see no problem with some jobs asking of these requirements, but it's becoming ridiculous when you can't even get hired at a local Jack in the Box because you don't speak Spanish. Sigh .. I'm just saying though..